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Communist Party lead ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest against Indigenous deaths in custody

9 Views • 06/06/20
14 Subscribers

A Black Lives Matter protest in the heart of Sydney's CBD arguing against the treatment of incarcerated Indigenous Australians and in solidarity with the George Floyd protests is believed to have been organised by the Communist Party.

The demonstration was held in solidarity with Black Lives Matter protests in the United States which were triggered by the arrest and subsequent death of Mr Floyd, an unarmed African American man.

The protest was initiated by Indigenous Australians but at the last minute was cancelled and only went ahead after the Australian Communist Party took over.

A party member, who identifies as Indigenous, went on to lead the demonstration on Tuesday.

On Saturday a second Black Lives Matter protest is organised to take place once again in Sydney’s CBD.

Sky News host Andrew Bolt said reports indicate “if you are a white prisoner you are just as likely to die in jail as a black prisoner”.

He said the protest was really “a front for another attack on capitalism and democracy”.

Image: News Corp Australia

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