Autos & Vehicles

removing steering column on BMW e90
removing steering column on BMW e90 WorldViralMedia 55 Views • 3 years ago

If you got trouble with the steering column and you've got to replace it, this video may helps you.

The steps are shown in thies thread:

It is not necessary to lift the front of the car up. I did it because i wanted the steering to rotate for like 5° as shown in the thread in step 11 to achieve step 12 more easy. For me it did'nt work, so i had to go from the enignes side to open up that bolt. That worked pretty well!

2006 Nissan Altima Idle Relearn (You need to watch this if you can't get relearn to work)
2006 Nissan Altima Idle Relearn (You need to watch this if you can't get relearn to work) WorldViralMedia 50 Views • 5 years ago

⁣You need to do a relearn of the Idle on your Nissan if you are experiencing idle surges between 800 to 1000 and 1800 to 2000 RPM and/or have a P0507 error code.

There are many videos talking about how to do the idle re-learn on Nissan cars, but none explain that the check engine light should flash slowly then quickly if the re-learn steps are done correctly. This video first shows you what happens when a re-learn fails, then it shows you what to look for if a re-learn is initiated correctly. I hope this helps everybody save $100+ by doing it yourself rather than paying a Nissan dealership. BTW, I cleaned the throttle body as a step to try and fix this problem; I did not have the key on or the battery disconnected when I shoved a screwdriver in to hold the valve open, and some say that will damage the TB. Do not assume that cleaning the TB will damage it; it didn't in my case.

Before doing the re-learn, you need to do the following:

1) Confirm battery is good (voltage 12.9V or higher at idle).
2) Drive the car for 15 minutes to warm up both the engine and transmission. (It may be adequate to just idle the engine till fully warm)
3) Turn off as many electrical items in car as possible. Make sure
lights are off and doors are shut (dome lights not on). You do not have to unplug the radio like some suggest; basically if your battery is good, the electrical items being on is not critical.
4) Center your steering wheel.

Sports Car | Cars | Cartoon Cars | Cars Race | Cars For Kids
Sports Car | Cars | Cartoon Cars | Cars Race | Cars For Kids WorldViralMedia 10 Views • 5 years ago

VISIT OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE :<br />WATCH KIDS CHANNEL VIDEOS ON OUR WEBSITE TOO :<br /><br /><br /><br />It's always a given, the bigger cars need the most help. And today our big sports car is getting it's help from the smaller sports cars in its garage. The smaller ones have to ensure that the big street vehicles has all its parts well maintained and in place before its big race against other vehicles like the monster truck. Why don't you kiddies call your friends over along with their toy cars, and have a super car race of your own, while our car prepares for his big race. The first one to reach the finish line, will get front row seats to our entire compilation of super cars races. Doesn't that sound like something you kiddies would want? We've seen your huge collection of monster truck toy vehicles, and we'd love to see you kids battle it out with your preschool friends. So what are you waiting for? Ready? Set. Vroom!!<br /><br />00:00 Sports Car <br />01:17 Five Little Turkeys <br />03:12 Tractor<br />06:27 Army Rocket Launcher <br />07:46 Wheels on the Bus <br />09:32 Old MacDonald <br />12:26 Ambulance Car garage <br />15:42 Tow Truck Colors <br />20:11 Learn Transport with Monster Truck <br /><br /><br />Check out our new Kids Videos Compilation here:<br />Follow us on:<br />FACEBOOK:<br />GOOGLE+:<br />TWITTER:<br />INSTAGRAM:<br />PINTEREST:<br /><br /><br />============================================<br />Music and Lyrics: Copyright USP Studios™<br />Video: Copyright USP Studios™<br />============================================

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